Call Toll Free (800) 977-9012


Honey Wafers are two thin, crisp wafers sandwiched with a honey candy filling. Around the world, wafers are alson known as oblaten and oplatky and sometimes pizzelles, although pizzelles are traditionally unfilled and thicker than wafers.
We have many retailers in the Chicagoland area. Please click on our Where to Buy link to find a store located near you. We do not have many retailers outside of the Chicagoland area; however, you can always shop online.
You can pick up Honey Wafers at the bakery from 7:00am to 1:00pm Mon-Friday and from 8:00am to 11:00am on Saturday. We are located at 13952 S. Kildare Avenue, Crestwood, IL 60445.
Please call ahead to be sure we are here 800-977-9012.
We use UPS ground service, shipping Monday-Friday.
We ship to all 50 states. Please call us at 800-977-9012 for shipping rates to Hawaii and Alaska: It does cost a little more.
Yes, we can ship your order via USPS priority mail, instead of UPS ground service for the same cost.
Please click on the UPS time-in-transit map. UPS does not count weekends or holidays as time in transit days. We try to ship your order as soon as possible. If we receive your order by 10:00am Central time on Mon-Fri we can usually ship the same day, or we will ship the very next day. Please contact us for any special requests or call us at 800-977-9012.
Please use our contact us form and include your order number and the email address you used to order. Or if you prefer, please call if you want help. Your order is very important to us.
When ordering, just fill out the “ship to” address to your recipient. Please type your greeting in the “additional information” box on the checkout page and we will enclose a gift announcement with your words.

Please contact us. Your order is insured against loss or damage by UPS, so we will file a claim with UPS for you and replace your damaged or lost Wafers. We want you to be satisfied and order again!

We have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. We will replace your Wafers or refund your money if you are not satisfied

You can view our privacy policy here.
You can view our nutrition label and ingredients on our About Us page.
Original and Chocolate Honey Wafers are certified Kosher by the Chicago Rabbinical Council. Please click here to view our Kosher certificate.
We use the finest and purest ingredients from reliable, local sources. We use water that is filtered by a Culligan four-stage filtration, reverse osmosis process to ensure purity.
The Original Filled Honey Wafers by Anisi are an approved “Illinois Made Product” by the Illinois Department of Argriculture. The Honey Wafer Baking Company supports the local economy through the use of ingredients, bags and boxes that are produced in Illinois.

Please contact me directly at or call 800-977-9012. We appreciate your business.
Thank you,
Tony Lewandowski
Baker and President